Bassy - Love Vine
May 25, 2012

God heals foh ah purpose

Ah find de “human interest story” wid Hugh “Comrad Raguette” published in de Searchlight’s Midweek Edition on Tuesday, to be very inspiring.

Hugh, who was temporarily blind in both eyes, had surgery done in Cuba and regained his sight in full. It’s exciting de way he described his experience in Cuba, how after surgery, de Nurse put de medication in his eyes and immediately he was able to see again.{{more}}

Reminds me ah de story in de Bible wid de man dah was born blind; His disciples drew it to Jesus’ attention, asking Him if de man’s blindness had anything to do wid his sins or de sins of his parents. Jesus’ answer as usual, was very blunt and straight forward, He told dem. “It has nothing to do wid de man’s sins or his parents, dis happened so dat de work of God might be displayed in de man’s life.” He had said de same thing when he heard his dear friend Lazarus was sick. But unlike Lazarus’ story de fellar didn’t die.

Jesus spit upon de ground, mixed de saliva wid some mud, forming ah paste, put it in de man’s eyes like how de Nurse did put de medication in Comrad Raguette’s eyes. Den Jesus sent him to wash his eyes in de pool of Siloam, de man followed de Great Physician’s instructions and went home seeing. Is ah nice long story dat’s richly worth reading, check it out in de Gospel of John Chapter 9.

Ah could identify wid Comrad Raguette’s proclamation when he real-eyes he was able to see again, he told Searchlight’s Reporter: “I held both hands in de air and gave thanks to all-mighty God there and then.” In de blind man’s story he told Jesus’ detractors: ” I was blind, now I can see!” Now Comrad Raguette as we all know, is Mistah Canaval, Cheerman ah de Carnival Bands Association (CBA) and if ah not mistaken, has been dey from de time it all started.

From all reports he is ah good negotiator. When de Mas Men dem have problems getting CDC to raise prize money; is Hugh, on behalf ah de CBA who would mek de big threats to boy-cut Carnival if de CDC doesn’t meet de demands ah de Mas Bands. And within ah few days, yuh will hear dat de CBA and de CDC reach amicable agreement on prize money and so on. Interestingly, de second to last paragraph in de article on Hugh’s success story states: “Now dat he is back to full vision, Raguette said he will continue to play his role in Carnival, as he has been doing over de years.”

It is not foh me to tell Comrad Raguette what to do wid his Blessings, but God loves him, and God has restored unto him his sight, and ah vision too, foh ah purpose. It is foh him to remain focus and keep his eyes on Jesus; do some witnessing.

Is thousands ah people hey in SVG wid all kind ah health problems, Cancer, Aids, Blindness, from one kind to de other, dey praying day and night “dat de wuk of God be displayed in dey life,” dey begging foh healing from God, and most ah dem pledging in return to surrender dey life to God. In other words dey promising God dat if dey get healed, dey will not go back to play any role unpleasing to God, dat dey might ah been doing over de years. We all mek those MT promises, don’t we?

But no ray-in will stop Comrad Raguette’s Carnival, he promises to be faithful to his first love, to play his role as Cheerman ah de Carnival Band Association (CBA). And Lie-Za has ah point, she saying dat dis could all be happening so dat “de wuk of God be displayed in our Carnival.”

Den she say, maybe, just maybe one ah de reasons why dey was never ah response from CDC or de Carnival Bands Association to de numerous negative comments and appeals from de public to ban de vulgar, skimpy and indecent outfits worn as costumes by our women, among dem de more pleasingly plump and charmingly chubby, is because Comrad Raguette was physically blind to way going on.

Now he can see, we will see if his spiritual healing experience is foh real, and may “de wuk of God be displayed in his life” after dis Carnival.


Lie-Za say if ah big up one Comred and not de other, de real Come-red will vex. How ah should write say dat our Pry-minister so indispensible dat ah sick Come-red is fitter dan de whole Cabby-net; rather dan let one ah dem get de exposure to attend de second-term inauguration ah Tie One’s president Ma, he prefer to walk wid ah private Nurse, dey’s no one worthy of sitting in foh him.

But in spite ah treating dem wid such con-tempt, dem B&B as in Boots and Batty lickers vex foh two reasons dat he carried ah professional Nurse, Sister King to clean his wound. One is dat dey Obsess wid de Come-red’s Abscess, and two, dem fellars ain’t want any and anybody clean dat part ah de Come-red’s ah-not-ah-me and steal dey Joy.

Dat Lie-Za could be offensive when she ready.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.