Bassy - Love Vine
July 8, 2011

Caught unaware by Wiked-Leak

Nuff respect to de people ah de North, Windward and Leeward. Tajoe and GAO foh de Kaiso and Road March honours and Fireman Hooper foh Soca Monarch.

Ah glad foh GAO, ah was his manager years ago, he is very humble, simple and respectful.

What was Eye-run-ache is dat on de streets, people jumping like madness wid gladness to de song: “Georgetown Mash-up! Mash-up”! But as ah promise, if ah can’t say Good bout Vincy Mas, nah say Bad.{{more}}

De Carnival is over, thank God it was free from any serious incident; Good marks foh COP Me-law and his hard-wuking Police. It was another bad year foh street vendors, be it Ice Box, food or snacks. Long gone are de good ole days when Ice Box vendors were able to ah-Mas nuff money to buy school books and uniforms foh de beginning ah de new school year.

One vendor in good humour, shouted me and said: “De people got de dates mixed up, dey think is next week-end foh Carnival”.

Somehow ah not hearing de famous After Carnival Superlative cliche: “Dis year is biggest and de best ever Carnival”! And yuh notice how since de PM say “It’s ah hard day’s night”, all of ah sudden, we no longer hearing de ULP pundits and prop-ah-Gang-ders boasting pon Radio bout how strong de NDP oops, dat should be de GDP is, and de country’s hell-T Weak-con-ah-me, ah wonder how is our ever increasing per Cap-it-hah Index.

We must be hope-full because de PM who sees and knows all things, has officially promised: “Hard days ahead”. Any time ah open my article on our Weak-con-ah-me, Lie-Za does overdo it wid her questions. “Ask de PM what about de Petro Caribe Fund”, she says. Apparently, de oil arrangement wid Precident Shove-his was, we will pay Venezuela only half de price foh de Fuel, de other half (ah loan) we will place into ah Fun sorry, Fund, to stimulate de Weak-con-ah-me. What happen to dat Fun PM?

By de way PM. Lie-Za was very impressed wid your strong letter to Carry-Come bout de way dey should seriously do things. Den in de same breath, she wid she out-ah-place self asking, how come yuh got so much I-dare foh de region as ah whole, but none foh SVG. She say yuh ready to run Carry-Come and can’t even run ah Penny Bank, ah Supermarket, ah Arrowroot Factory, disease killing de Bananas and like yuh not aware.

And want me to ask yuh if yuh want to run GHS too. She say ah must tell yuh leave Andrea (Norma Keizer reincarnated) Bowman alone; otherwise parents, students and past students will take yuh to de next stage ah de Eddy-care-shun Rev-yuh-lose-shun!


Right now ah looking at our figures foh food, and it is frightening. We are virtually ah non producing Weak-con-ah-me! Crime is our fastest growing crop; apart from crime, our best figures is in Fish way we land nine million dollars in 2010, but we still import four million in fish and fish products and another five million in exotic sea-foods, shrimps etc.

We are producing less dan eight percent ah de forty-three million dollars in imported meat we eat. Even wid de presence ah de Flour Mill, de glorified (first ever) Arrowroot factory and Cassava Factories, we still importing fifty-three million in cereals and cereals preparation. Wid all de mangoes, wax apples, ripe bananas, guavas, breadfruit, sweet potatoes, eddoes, dash-een etc, we still import over eighteen million in vegetables and fruits. Yet we hear so much plans foh food security, big plans foh Adgie-culture and fishing, way it dey.

Way is de program and low interest rate funding foh de farmers, way are de green houses? We suppose de money foh all ah dat out Argyle! Remember how de new Guv-ah-mint boasted bout one hundred percent financing foh home owners, dat money should ah gone into other areas to generate jobs and products for local consumption. And we still baffled why de NCB had to be given away, dat master stroke!


Was not until ah read last week dat Wikileak caught our Prime Minister unaware, big time, dat ah decided to see what dis Wikileak all about. In simple street talk, dis is ah non-profit online media organization, very much like de CIA, only dat Wikileak considers itself as de “Intelligence Service ah the People”.

Among its many areas of concern is to reveal unethical behavior in Guv-ah-mints and Corporations. When Lie-Za hear day, she ask me if ah think de Guv-ah-mint ah SVG got accepted to Wiked-leak’s infamous hall of fame of unethical behave-yah, (she thinks Wikileak is ah Wiked-leak).

Den she ask if Frank Da Silva is ah member ah de Wiked-leak, how he does tape everybody he talk to, and how he did play back ah taped conversation wid de PM, bad talking senior Education Officials, same like how he bad talk his own St. Lucian Mo-Lotto buddy wid de CIA Agent oops, US Ambassador. Wikileak has fearlessly published documents unflattering to de USA and other national Guv-ah-mints, as ah consequence, faced numerous Law-suites all of which dey have won.

Lie-Za was saying, dat explains why our PM, who is usually so quick to Sue, could only lift his hands in despair admitting: “It (de Wiked-leak story) is there, what can I do about it?”

Den he warns us dat there will be more Wicked-leak documents to come, but he is not too concerned bout dem. Lie-Za’s boyfriend, Lie-Owe who is ah public servant, hopes dem Wicked-leak documents to come is not about IMF salary cuts and lay-offs foh Public Servants. But we have our own Wiked-leak here, didn’t de PM say he called de GG on ah safe line to give him de date foh elect-shun? Sir Vin-Sin, senior security add-vice-sir, add-myth phone tapping in SVG; don’t we hear all sorts ah clicks and interruptions during phone calls? Don’t yuh remember how dey tried to destroy Stalky John, had him taped wid infestors at ah meeting in England, dey set-up Stalky.

Ah Boy! Ole people say “what goes around, does come right back round to greet yuh”. .

And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.