Bassy - Love Vine
April 8, 2011

Our children are de Lord’s

Lie-Za asked me if ah read ah letter in de Searchlight’s midweek paper signed by “Former Patient”. Unfortunately ah don’t read letters way people hide behind dey pen “numb-de-plume”, apparently de writer highlighted de inhumane wuk conditions Nurses facing at de Milton Cato General Hospital. {{more}}

Maybe “Former Patient” needs to know dat one, just one ah de reasons why so many things not going right in dis country, is because ah lot ah we who got ah vice, who got influence dah could help change tings, prefer to remain numb, cover-up, and when de worse happen, when some innocent person get badly damaged or killed, we say “if ah did know”, or, “ah saw it coming”. Foh all we know de Fairbairn Pasture lady who flipped and slit her daughter’s throat last weekend, didn’t just wake up one morning and commit murder. It is possible dat all was not well in dat home and somebody must ah seen or heard strange things coming from dat home, but did nothing, right now it’s too late; dat somebody could now write dey story to de Editor and sign dey name “Saw it Coming”.

No wonder “Child’s Month” this year meets us still murdering and abusing de lickle children.

Thru disobedience and neglect we continue to fail miserably as parent. Ah lot more children could be saved from physical, mental and spiritual abuse if we visit de good Book way de Master, Jesus say how and what we must do.

Remember how he man-handled his Disciples when dey denied de Children an opportunity to meet Him. “Leave de Lickle children alone, He said “don’t stop dem from coming to me”. Den He took the children up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed dem. Next He warned de gathering: “ Don’t despise one ah these little ones; in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father; furthermore if anyone ah you shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, might as well you go drown yuh-self”.

So we could have “Child Month” every month ah de year, nothing will happen until we do what is required of us. Maybe dis is as good as any time to mention dat dis Sunday my two lickle ones will be Baptised at Mesopotamia Gospel Hall, Pastor Adolphus Isaacs will do de honours. Baptism is dear to my heart, “ it is proper foh us believers to do to fulfill all righteousness” Jesus’ words to John de Baptist, not mine.

Ah remember one night when my wife was pregnant wid the girl, de older ah the two; ah had ah conversation wid God as to what ah wanted her to be. Ah thought of her being all sort ah professional, ah Doctor, ah Engineer even ah Land Surveyor; den ah say to me-self, why not save yo-self all de head-ache dat would involve expenses foh University fees and just “give her back to de Lord”, He will have ah better deal foh her. Next day ah told de wife about de deal ah made wid de Lord. “ God is not mocked”, she said, “ He will see thru and thru any trick yuh trying”. She looked surprised when ah told her dat God had agreed, what ah didn’t tell her was dat He told me ah would have to get saved firstly, den throw me-self in as ah bonus. If it wuk out nice, do it twice. Up comes Baby No 2! No problem, what good foh de girl is better foh de boy, so ah put in ah second proposal to de Lord and tell Him “Lord, same as usual”. He agreed but dis time de Lord warned me: “ Yuh better check yuh hard drive, yuh running low on gig-ah-bites”!


During de November 2010 election calm-pain, Sir James presented ah plan foh de re-introduction of Cocoa, once de NDP won de elections. Sir James, ah trained Agronomist and Lennie Daisley, ah former Chief Agricultural Officer, had done dey home-work on the project, de plant types were identified, found a company willing to set up and finance de project, de people were here during de elections, had interviewed over 300 farmers wid some 1, 200 acres of lands to start.

But de ULP talk-show hosts, de experts in every-ting had ah field day on Sir James’ project.

I was so pleased on Tuesday to hear de Prime Minister saying dat he will be looking into Sir James’ Cocoa project, he will be meeting wid de same Cocoa Company whose credibility or discredibiblty Mr Ass-to-fan, ULP’s chief spokesman on all matters, had dug deep into.

Lie-Za couldn’t believe dat she was hearing Gone-soft recognizing Sir James’ contribution. But he-can-nah-mek reality is gradually hauling Gone-soft is to his cents-is; remember how he had boasted two-three years ago dat de “Economic Meltdown” would not affect SVG. Well it is finally here, but he’s silent. Somebody must have told him dat while de (twenty thousand ???) ULP supporters were parading Mardi Gras style, wave-in Red Flag on Kingstown street celebrating ten years in office, dat de commercial machines in SVG is now at ah grinding halt.

De next step he will tek is to invite Arm-in to introduce him to de developers dat had indicated to de NDP dat dey would finish de Airport. Dat would be ah Pair-ah-ducks, ULP in Guv-ah-mint but NDP projects saving de day.

On ah final note ah want to warn Gone-soft and his bunch ah evil members again, to reinstate de teachers. De tears and unwarranted hardship dah de families ah dem teachers going thru, will fall heavily on every one ah dem.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again. One Love Bassy