Bassy - Love Vine
April 1, 2011

De-muck-we-see ULP style

Ah was telling Lie-Za how ah was ah foundation member ah de Christian Council (CC)when it started way back in 1968-69 wid what de den four major churches: Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Salvation Army. De Churches in de region formed what was de Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) and in every territory was ah local branch, ah Christian Council (CC).{{more}} De “CC” in SVG was a good mix of experienced, youthful, strong and qualified men and women. At de helm were people like Anglican Arch-bishop, Woodroof; R.C. Bishop Dickson; de Met-dist had Rev Wiltshire and later Rev. Chrichton, and Salvation Army’s Brigadier Leopold, ah devoted Christian whose work with de poor made her ah legend in SVG. Sydney Morris, an experienced civil servant was secretary. De “CC” was made up of several Commissions or sub-committees dat dealt wid areas like Family Life, Youth, Communication, Ecu-men-is-him, Social Action, etc. De Council and Commissions had more dan its share ah experts among its members: Agnes Cato, Johnny Alves, Henry Williams, GCH Thomas, John Richards, Urselle Eustace, Grafton Vanloo and John Saunders; Priscilla and Carlton Williams all deceased. Carlton served until he died ah few years ago, Dean Leslie Lett, Justice Saunders, Andrew Cummings, Zander Lewis, Fr. Ulric Jones, Monty Maule, Ingrid Williams-Omarde and many more. Wid dem personalities de “CC” had teeth, spine and guts, and was not afraid to confront wid even Guv-ah-mint on issues. “CC” identified wid de Teachers Struggle in 1975; Fishing projects in Mayreau, Ferro-cement water tanks in de Southern Grenadines; “CC” helped ah lot ah Groups and Organizations, dem lickle (leather) Craftsmen in Paul’s Lot and Bottom Town. When Mad-is-straight Rawle was shot, de “CC” was de first people Sir James invited to ah meeting wid his Cabinet. Ah remember DPP Colin Williams and Justice Saunders from de NYC coming to us at “CC” to finance dey participation in ah Youth Conference in Cuba; in dem days Cuba was off limits, de “CC” had no problem approving ah full grant.

De demise ah de “CC” began when de stalwart members gave way to new faces, especially in de case ah de heads ah de Churches, all ah dem being far-rainers, who depend on Guv-ah-mint foh wuk permit, so dey chicken-out when it come to standing up to de powers-dat-be. Dey allowed dem to cut out dey Seed meking de “CC” ah U-nook. When dog Seed cut out, he got no sting, he come lazy, fat and sleep all day, dat is way went wrong wid de CC in SVG, it went to sleep, in ah coma! Remember de cheer-man who woke up wid his Seeds still intact, and was perceived as trying to wake up de others in de “CC”, he was given ah trip to Rome where he was fixed, castrated once and for all.

We had Elections in December, every candidate on de Guv-ah-mint side dat lose, was rewarded wid ah lucrative job wid de Administration, two former ministers who decline from contesting elections, are back either as minister and CEO. But when de three Awe-position candidates (teachers) who lost at de poles re-applied foh dey job under ah Teacher’s Union agreement, Massah say no wuk nah dey. What is de “CC” saying, what’s good foh de Goose good foh de Gang-dah. But dis is ULP De-muck-we-see. People are fed all kind ah “Shun”, Eddy-care-Shun; Rev-all-yuh-Shun, Say-vile-Lies-here-shun, all in de name of ah New Democracy, same Ole De-muck-we-see.. Dis new De-muck-we-see is a slow, and very deceptive process of taking away people’s Rights and Freedom. Passing Bills over-night to impose $1.00 tax burden on citizens, and den when de citizens protested, police beat dem at de Port. Den acting pon “an ole lady”add-vice de PM withdraw de Bill.

Foh years de People’s Representation Act dey in de books, it was put dey to muzzle dutty mouth politicians from slandering candidates pon pull-it-to-kill calm-pain, something dey all do. Foh de first time de Act is about to be tested as members ah de Guv-ah-mint are being taken to Court. Guv-ah-mint reacted by taking de Bill to de Par-liar-mint to remove de Claws dat will free dem of any Lie-bell. Yes de people are allowed to protest, but de Bill is passed, de people lose again, call dat ULP’s De-muck-we-see. My position remains de same on dis issue. De sore point is if de Bill was not changed and de Court Cases fall against de three ULP candidates, it could mean members losing dey seat in de House, dat’s harsh penalty, but it is dey as ah deterrent. So de ULP meking sure dat dis does not happen, by amending de Bills. It follows dat unless de Cases are withdrawn, de Bill will go thru.

I recognize de attempt by de “CC” to call on both Guv-ah-mint to hold de Bills and de Awe-position to chill on de protests. Nothing will change and de toothless “CC” will not and cannot do ah thing further. Ah said already reconciliation will begin when Guv-ah-mint withdraw de Bills and de Awe-position withdraws de Court Cases. Christian Council, do yuuh duties properly and please Ralph and Arm-In, ley we get on wid de business ah de country.

Lie-Za is too out ah place, she say she heard dat de PM got his head damaged, how come de X-ray show ah damaged foot. Den she telling me dah remind she ah Sir Loose’s joke pon Sir Vin- Sin, he dey rubbing his elbow when ever his Him-rides scratch him. Ah not wid she at all. And ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.