Bassy - Love Vine
December 17, 2010

De Big Man Dey up Dey

Dat was de Gran-murder ah all elections. Some say it was going to be 9-6, some say 10-5, 13-2.

People from even both sides say 14-1. Dr Care-not John went way off dis time, he pre-dick 12-3, he defied Sis-ill Ryan’s may-pole, or was it might-pole of ah 10 percent lead foh ULP in all three Kingstown seat. Ah did tell all yuh dat when come to pre-dick-in elect-shun; listen to way me and Sis-ill say, den bet to de opposite. My own pre-dick-shun was Riff-around-dem again, Déjà vu. {{more}}Lie-Za excuse me, she say ah ain’t know way Déjà vu mean, is dah Care-not who taught me French in school. De only person who came close to call was Sir James, he had de numbers right but in de wrong position, his 8-7 in fare-fah NDP was reversed. NDP did better dan ULP, dey pick up four seats dah ULP lose, but no matter how small de margin ah victory, only one more is nuff, ULP win! During de Calm-pain, ah had nuff fun and gay-e-T wrong word, happy-e-T. Thanks to Lie-Za, never mind she licking she wounds but she still meking fun and cracking me up. First of all she proud ah Girl-in four consecutive victories, and now first woe-man Deputy Prime Minister; she might just be de first woe-man PM, yuh never know what De Big Man Dey Up Dey planning foh she. Now Lie-Za saying is something common wid Arm-In, Girl-In, Bug-In and Cumm-In, how dey all get back In. So she changing she name from Lie-za to Lies-In, ah fraid dat could mean more Lies-in me tail! And maybe if lint-on was Lint-In he would ah beat Bug-In. She say Bug-In, minister ah Wuks is ah boss, how de worse roads in SVG is in Bug-In constituency, End-ums road is de muddah of all bad roads. Den de most offensive verbal attack in de Calm-pain was on de lady from Glen, Tee-Doh-Rah, and it came from Bug-In. Yet Bug-In de repeating Law student, wid all his Odd-verbs and Pre-positions, who is yet to pronounce de word persoons correctly, could put such an eloquent licking pon Dr. Lint-on, dat’s ah reminder dah De Big Man Dey Up Dey; Ah say no more! Lie-Za will settle foh ah man from either Glen or End-ums; how no matter how yuh neglect and bad treat Glen and End-ums people, dey will not hold yuh malice. She not finish, she gone Lay-bun-um, reminding me how when Julian did lose, he said 17 See-we-ran in Cane-Garden voted foh him, people still asking how he knew dat; but Lie-Za say dey does mark de “x” in Arabic. Now she is talking bout ah Lie-Fus, ah fellar she got pon de side who promise she ah piece ah land, poor Lie-Owe. Dis Lie-Fus tell she dat de 17 Lay-bunnies gone down to two foh Luke, one is Toni, Ambassador to de Middle Yeast, He-ran and He-rack, and his cousin, Basaam. Ah beg she leave Toni out, he and Mona Dear are two decent people.


But Lie-Za is convinced dat Luke’s licking is ah prayer answered, his mother prayed dat he get licks and go back and finish his Rhodes Degree. While his dad, T.0. prayed dat he would win, we all knew dat could only happen after he complete his education. Luke better get smart. At Argyle on Choose-dey night, de Prime Minister, self proclaimed King David, done already ah-ninth his son Solomon as heir apparent. And dey did vex wid Button Billy oops, Button Willy when he say “he go christen he NDP pick-me fuss”. De elections are over so ley we go back to wuk, even dough no wuk dey! Right now ah don’t want to hear de word polly-ticks; ULP done win, except one could prove de corrupt-shun was enough to swing round de results. Ah lot ah Prayers went up to Heaven from both sides, some ain’t reach. But God in His infinite Wisdom, answered both sets ah Prayers. Those who won got de answer dey deserve, and those who loss, dey too got de answer dey deserve. At times de best answered Prayer is de unanswered Prayer. NDP mek ah lot ah early mistakes and last minute ones too. Initially dey were too negative about de Airport, den when it looked like de Airport was ah trump card in de elections, dey change position. Remember dat De Big Man Dey Up Dey, He sees de deep and hidden tings in de hearts ah wicked men, He see dat is Ralph who start his ULP Airport and He will decide who will finish it. He puts men in Office and He moves dem out too. I Mek no bones about my NDP buy-us position, foh dat, Victim-I-say shun board and lodged wid my family down to my innocent second generation. But I know who run things and it is not Gonsalves, Eustace, Shove-his or Castro. NDP had 17 years, way are dey today? ULP is only half way dey. Wounded wid his mar-gah 8-7 win on Monday night, de PM called foh those who wronged him to come on board. How nice it would have bin, had he said “we have wronged each other in words and deeds, lets come together”. When he got home, de real Ralph confronted him on his steps, and chastised him foh inviting his opponents on board, so on Choose-day night at Argyle Airport site, he desecrated it all wid fire and brimstone, Lie-Za say blast-foh-me foh NDP supporters. But as ah said already, “De Big Man Dey Up Dey”! And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.