Bassy - Love Vine
September 10, 2010

Give Joel Butcher ah no income house

Ah heard from Ole George, he is someway up in de Artic near de North Pole dong social wuk wid dem Eskimos.

He provided proof of his location wid photos of himself in heavy winter garb, mingling wid dem Eskimos in Igloos, houses built from ice, shaped like ah bowl, tun upside down; right now he could pass foh ah Vinskimo. Ole George is not widout his humer-us self; when ah asked him what he finds to do in his spare time, he said he selling “Snow Cone”!{{more}}

But his concern was foh his walking buddy “Joel Butcher” who after dat first Historical now tun Hysterical walk in 2005 in SVG, was promised ah house by de prime minister. We all remember dat us-pis-us occasion, when Nice Radio covered dat marathon walk by “Ole George and Butcher”, seven or eight days widout sleep. Dey were met on the final half hour walk by Guv-ah-mint officials, including de Prime Minister. De event made front page in de local papers. Here-it-is Square was like another Rev-all-yuh-shun Rally, ah walk-in one; speaker after speaker ran dey mouth making promises; when it was de Prime Minister time to deliver, he announced dat de fellars would be honoured and given recognition foh dey recording breaking walk. Butcher, who was living in ah substandard house dat lacks de basic utilities was promised a home! According to Ole George, dey were inspired by de promises, dey walked all over Jamaica, nine days widout sleep, den off to America breaking dey own record, and every time de walk over, de promise was promised again, in 2006, 2007, 2008 but to date Butcher still in de Shanti, when night come and he want to too-too, is outside he got to go, he better pray no rain falling. Is dem kind-ah-ting does get Radio Announcer, “Too Cool Kris” vex! When yuh watch de Guv-ah-mint eye piece, de API pon TV, yuh see way all party supporters getting “No income houses” foh free; some ah these same houses were built in Clare Valley way Butcher lives, but dem ain’t got Butcher to study. Dey done get word dat Butcher was on de “Vote No” calm-pain foh de Riff-around-dem, so he and OIe George could walk “to hell and back” no house foh he!

But ole George sware he going public, he going on ah protest walk followed by ah Fast foh Butcher. He plans to give dis walk international coverage as it will be done in one ah de major cities in Canada or de USA. So SVG will be in foh some more publicity, ah not so sure it will be good foh de Guv-ah-mint.


“Kenny and Toney” is one hell-of-ah- guy. Is like he tek pleasure in beating up pon Arm-in. He came here some years ago to calm-pain foh ULP and dealt Arm-in ah low-blow when he called him ah Man-e-cou. It did hut even Sir James, so much so, he called his cousin John Compton and begged him to deal wid “Kenny and Toney”. Cousin John came out ah pull-it-to-kill retirement and “Kenny and Toney” was made smaller dan an Man-e-cou, ah Boy-e-cou, leader ah de Sin-Loose-her Awe-position.

But pull-ah-trickans can’t stay quiet till six men carry dem to dey grave. “Kenny-and Toney” resurfaces! Arm-in objected to de way de All-trick Williams’ Boundaries Commission bull-doze dey way in fixing de two extra seats in par-liar-mint, so he challenged de Boundaries Commission in Court. And who should tun up to defend de Boundaries Commission “Kenny and Toney” wid an Ass-to-fan; dis is no laughing matter these guys don’t wuk foh P-nuts. Anyhow dey were in foh ah shock dis time. Lickle did dey know dat licks like peas was in store foh dem; Jones de NDP Rep on de Commission, had his own Commission, his cousin Bert; and Arm-in had not one, but two hurry-canes, Kay and Nicole waiting to blow dem fellars back way dey come from. Ah wrote last week dat de tide tun, ah wind of change in SVG. Like all yuh nah believe.

De Court ruled dis first round in fair-foh Arm-in. “Kenny and Toney” lose de case but won big bucks. Ah overs he walked away wid ah Fat Cheque. Most importantly however, he picked up ah legal Arm-ry out ah de case, he went back home full ah N-ah-G to fight prime minister Stephen King. De electoral boundaries discrepancy he came her to defend, is de very same matter he objecting to in St Lucia. He is challenging de matter in Courts and Lie-Za was telling me dat he asked Hurry-cane Kay and Nicole to represent him. One ah Comrad Joshua’s fear-foh-hit quotation was from Sir Walter Scott: “Oh what ah tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.”

Our prime minister slipped away, like de naughty boy who ran away from his homeland de colonials dey to see, dey he found he-self in de hotel lobby, caught on candid camera by ah reporter who was planted dey by SCL and BDI, de same way dey did stalk stalk-he John and tape him, ‘member dat worthless deal dey did Stalk-he? SLC and BDI is de same people de PM accused of raising funds foh de NDP. Oh foh dem tangled Webs! And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.