Bassy - Love Vine
September 3, 2010

Did Mr We-Come notice de weather pat-on

When it come to pre-Dick-in Elect-shun results, ah respect Mr. We-come. He say ULP got ah good chance ah winning de next Elect-shun,and dat is his expertise, he study de ting like ah science, so ah not joining nobody to stone no messenger. When is Tri Tri season ah does mek me pre-Dick-shun too; but ah not as sigh-an-teef-fake like Bro We-come, so ah does put my ting differently like::{{more}} “bar-ring any heavy Rains or Land-slide dis week-end, we could expect lots ah Tri Tri from Sat-dey”, so all yoh could get all yoh bucket and go by de river-mouth and catch Tri Tri dis weekend, ah don’t mean Buccama River, de Tri Tri down dey cant find de river mouth, it move.

But ah must add-myth dough, dah when ah revisited de results ah de Riff-around-dem in November last year, ah kind ah want to disagree wid We-come pre-Dick-shun. Maybe, just maybe he could ah bin more cautious, because ah notice de Victim-eyes Utter Sam ain’t dey pon de wuk by NEMO ah week, and three Storms just appear one time in de region, dat never happen. Wid Storm comes nuff Rain and Land-slide, maybe Bro. We-come didn’t notice de Weather pat-on “ah wind ah change” in SVG, nuff Rains and Land-slide, is better he did say like me: “bar-ring any Rains and (NDP) Landslide dat Dr. Care-not John pre-dick, de ULP could win de next Elect-shun”.

In time like these dough, ah does be guided by Lie-Za. She keep saying de experts say dat Riff-around-dem is not de same as General Elect-shun. Dah November Riff-around-dem was about ah single issue, ah new constitution; and even dough de ULP excuse was dat de people “Vote No” foh other issues, General Elect-shuns’ different; ah want to subscribe to de ULP’s excuse dat de majority voted foh other issues. Whereas in 2005, dey fell foh de slogan “Put back de Comrad” and voted ULP overwhelmingly. In four short years de people mind tun like milk, or should I say de Comrad tun sour and de people oops, de milk tun too. Every single person close to him knows dat his popularity is beyond flattery, but dey dare not drop ah hint and tell him dat any verbal attacks on, and threats to public servant now, is see-we-side-all, ah recipe foh his own de-Rat sorry de-Mice. He always seem totally flattered wid de many grin-teeth people gives him in front he face, but ah warning him not to be fooled; ah hearing ah lot ah calls foh him to announce de date, dem calls are not in his favour at all. So while ah not challenging Mr We-come, even Lie-Za agrees dat if just by chance de Riff-around-dem results is any yard-stick, den de ruling ULP got to do ah lot ah wuk reclaiming grounds in some ah dem seats dat are considered marginal. Seats like de three in Leeward and de three in Kingstown. Wid de last 93 days to go, time is running out!


When ah man tun 60 years ole, married foh over 30 years, three lovely daughters, ah tolerant, faithful and loving wife who, widout ah drop ah water in she mouth, stands up in from ah invited guests and say “she husband has been ah good man”, dat man deserves ah medal, de wife deserves two medals. And when dah same man who always putting on ah shy-look, was asked to open de dance floor wid his wife, but wouldn’t budge until Mr DJ (Joe Mc Kie) played his favoutite Kaiso, Stalin’s “De Black Man come out to Party”, tell de world life begins at sixty! Yes, it was one ah dem well organized “Birthday Do” full ah surprises, because de Honoured Guest, Mack Robertson was hoping to have ah quiet drink-up wid his Fitness Club Friends de “ Gerry-ha-tricks Of Almond Tree Investment” (GOATI), ah group ah proud, sixty and potential sixty year ole, hell’t conscious, professionals and businessmen. Ah serious bunch ah fellars dah go foh challenging walks on ah Sunday morning. Having explored several routes over de years, de now preferred trail which traverses thru Belair, Kilburney, Belmont, Arnos Vale was yuh-man-imously selected because it has more refreshment Spots dat offer de coldest, indulge-in, Energizing “Drinks” foh senior citizens. At Belmont, de penultimate refilling station, way an occasional dove pork and roast breadfruit is de appetizer before de main course at Mack’s office in Arnos Vale. Way dey doing is great, notwithstanding de lickle hecle. But Mack’s dear wife Cynthia and daughters, de Organizing committee, headed by Chrystal (no doubt rehearsing foh her big event) had ah more sophisticated Birthday Plan foh de ole man. Mom who is 86, his oldest daughter Ayana, brother Toney and family all living in Canada, almost gave him ah heart attack at de Airport when he went to collect Crystal. Also present was his adopted brother in cry’m, Charles Skeete from Bo-bathe-us. Ah fantastic dinner was served at “Roof Top” run by brother-in-law, Ambassador John and his warm hostessable wife; guests heard humorous eulogies foh tributes from genuine, supporting friends, yes de whole GOATI club was dey; lots to drink, energizing and indulge-in too; and soothing Oldie Goldie Music provided by two young, dynamic Vincentian musicians, Dixie on pan and Rajon on Violin. De party was simply nice, we all wish Mack ah happy sixtieth Birthday and look forward to his seventieth soon. Nah forget Tri Tri sat-dey. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.