Bassy - Love Vine
May 14, 2010

Democracy vs De-muck-we see

I admire de British Politicians how dey deal wid dey pull-it-tek-all problems whenever dey surface. Traditionally, de British put de interest ah de country first, leaving self and party politics behind. It does mek me wonder why we did throw out de baby wid de bath water when we got rid ah de British. We were handed ah guide-line by dem, but our politrick-hands lacked dat level ah maturity to rise above petty party politics and let democracy wuk.{{more}} Three parties ran in de just concluded elections in England, and after one month of election calm-pain clashes wid party leaders tearing strips off each other, none ah dem win wid ah clear mandate to run de country. Dey threw all ah dat behind dem and Mr. Cameron of de Conservatives and Nick Clegg, leader of de Liberal Democrat ironed out dey several fun-dah-men-tell differences and when dey announced dey’s ah Coal-lay-John, dey ready to form Guv-ah-mint, de outgoing Prime Minister, Gordon Browne graciously stepped down! In England dat is called Democracy, but out here it is called De-muck-we-see or De-mockry-sea! How does dat compare wid de Case in de High Court in Antigua way de Judge ruled dat de seats held by Prime Minister, Ball-win Spencer and two other ministers were unfairly won? dey never step down. Or de Riff-around-dem dah we had here last year, dah one commentator described de Guv-ah-mint’s defeat as ah Ma-sach-her? Had those occurred in England, de Guv-ah-mint would ah humble dem-selves and call General Elections. But dis is de Caribbean way wid its New Civil-lies-I-say-shun dat has all de answers, dat demands of us to strive steadfastly and get rid ah Cap-it-all-is-him and Co-loan-all-is-him, replace dem wid Social-is-him, so dey could all declare Dictatorships and lock up Judges, Ah overs dah de pull-it-tek-all system in Britain is Social-list except of course, it is not ah Dictatorship.


As de tug-o-war continues between those foh Cap-it-all-Is-him on de one hand, and Common-Is-him and Social-Is-him on de other; ah keep praying foh ah “Is-him” dat would allow us to enjoy our God given Freedoms and Rights to live in Peace, Love and Ha-money, Not ah Dictatorship. Ah pray foh ah “Is-him” dat will make us one again, two or as many parties but One Nation! Ah pray dat our leaders will develop some pride and stop dis subservience, begging foh pittance, moving we from one form ah Colonial-is-him to another. In my “Is-him” ah pray foh ah leadership dah will put in place measures dah will instil pride in our people once again, de will to wuk harder and be more productive; starting in de schools wid de teachers and students; on de job; in de church, in sports basically in everything we say or do let it be productive and positive. And ah pray dat we be less waste-full, be it education, food, talent or whatever, our talents and efforts must not go to waste. What better “Is-him” can we pray for dat we become ah people dat crave foh knowledge and wisdom to be more Creative and adventurous. Educator, Hugh Wyllie so ably presented it on Ernesto Cooke’s morning program: “ Primary schools should be opened up to 8:00 p.m. After de kids go home, de adults should sit in class-rooms and better equip ourselves foh de wuk-place, be it farming, fishing, technical skills or whatever”. Dr Warrican at de Community College came here wid ah clear vision foh Education, ah wonder how far he reach. And finally ah Pray dat de good Lord will give us ah “Is-him” free of any Dictatorship!


Doctor Rude-he Math-high-as de sky, he made poor Lie-Za wake me up de other night when he said dat after de Argyle Airport finish, dey will recover de money foh Arhyle when dey develop Arnos Vale’s 62 acres of land into ah town, dat town is expected to be be out ah dis world. Way confuse Lie-Za was when she hear him say dat de lands are expected to realize some 1.5 billion dollars. So ah explained to her dat if we developing dat sixty-two acres, we will have to give allowance foh roads, drains, parking lots, recreation area etc, ah would say five acres would be reasonable, take five acres from 62 acres, de total net area to be developed will be reduced to fifty-seven acres. Dey’s

43, 560 sq. ft. in ah acre so fifty-seven acres is equal to approximately two point five million sq. ft. To fine de anticipated price per sq. ft. we divide 1. 5 billion dollars by 2.5 million sq,ft. and yuh getting approximately $ 600. 00 per sq. ft. Is Rude-he Math-high-as his hopes, presently de best price paid foh lands in Arnos Vale is $ 50. 00 per sq. ft. Kingstown ain’t reach $600. 00 per sq. ft. yet. Half ah Billion dollars and not one point five billion is ah more practical projection. And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.