Bassy - Love Vine
June 12, 2009

Born-ah-man or born-ah-woman

Seems like de Drafters and Art-tests of de new Constitution foh SVG got de Jah-mek-her lady wrathed, mek she tek up she pen ‘n’ pepper dem. Ah talking bout de lady Barrister Paula Dare-vid in her stinging letter last week “Not in my name”.{{more}} Ah rate Ms Dare-vid as she Dare all and come out bold and expose de hip-act-we-see in Claws 17 (2) of the SVG Constitution Bill 2009 that says “ de state shall protect marriage”. De first ting dat came to me mind was dat dey plan-in foh “ ban Ah-dull-tree and Funny-Kay-shun”! Yuh mad or what, not even Kay will find dat Funny! Yuh forget man ah walk in dey sleep looking foh fruit off Ah-dull-tree, dah couldn’t even reach Cabby-net, dey would drive it away. Lie-Za say de day something like dat go to Par-liar-mint, de Speaker will say “those not in fear-foh say “I”, den every-buddy will say “I” and de Speaker will say: “De I’s have it, de I’s and I have it”!

Den ah say if not Ah-dull-tree den “dey banning wife beating”! Well dat even worse, is only den dem fellars would say dat PR trying to get at dem! Lie-Za ask me when ah say “dey banning wife beating” if ah mean “dey banning wife beating husband” if so, she not foh dat. De Drafters and Art-tests dem ain’t going down dat road, de trying to long-stop any plans foh same sex marriages, so de constitution will read “ ah marriage shall be a legal union between a man who “Born-ah-man” and ah woman who “Born-ah-woman”. Lard what trouble dey putting me in, how am I to know dat? Nurse Stephens de mid-wife who delivered me, dead and gone, so ah will have to check wid Eye Specialist Dr Back-us or Dr Oh-no to see if ah was “Born-ah-man” or “Born-ah-woman”.

Just fan-see dat, Pastors and Marriage Con-sellers all over de world struggling to find ah way to protect and preserve marriages, and E-Z so dem Constitution Art-tests/Drafters find de secret, “ah union between ah Born-ah-man and ah Born-ah-woman. So bad luck foh Gays and Lesbians, no married foh dem! Dey could become Born-ah-gain Souls or do same sex ting living common-law, so welcome to de Ah-dull-tree and Funny-Kay-shun gang, highly permissible in SVG, possibly de biggest known threat to de same marriage dat de constitution promise to protect. Homosexuality is no bigger ah threat to de institution of marriage dan Add-all- tree and Funny-Kay-Shun, and Born-ah-man marrying Born-ah-woman will not protect ah marriage. I know what is wuking foh me in my marriage: is Fidelity, Love, Respect, Commitment to our marriage vows and most of all Believing in de Lord Jesus Christ. Ah bet dat dis is what is making it wuk foh millions around de world.

But ah can’t get over dis Born-ah-man and Born-ah-woman ting dat PR come up wid, Not even de great Art-test Leonard de Vincy could ah paint it better, it was Art-tis-tickle-he done, PR took Nuff time Art-tek-yuh-late-in dat, long ago when ole peole tink ah ting is not worth de paper it’s written pon, dey would choops dey teet and say: “Dat is Nuff Fah Art”!


Ah retired public servant, one ah de brightest PS to hit de Ministries, said to me “I notice you are very silent on the new Constitution”? She encouraged me to read it and while I am on it, ah should ask way we getting de monies from to pay foh Riff-ah-run-dem to be followed immediately by ah General Elections. Our Constitution was written for people who does not have to read ah constitution to know de difference between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, Love and Spite. Yuh don’t have to go to ah Constitution to know dat “ unlimited Power is apt to corrupt de minds of those who possess it” so says William Pitt. Dat simple quotation is what will possibly cause de majority ah voters to vote “NO” to de new Constitution. Politics in SVG is all about power and de abuse of it, Victim-I-say-shun! Remember dat those of us who use our Strength to seek greatness will suffer loss.

Ah Constitution should be practical and free from mockery, already ah reading way Mr Campbell, de Cheerman boasting how it is de first time in any Par-liar-mint-tree system in de Commo-wealth, dat de Opposition Leader will have de rights to introduce a Motion. We all know who dis “for de first time” ting come from, and secondly, we all know dat is just ah waste ah time, de Awe-position could move motion, slow motion or even co-motion, but move motion it to go way, not pass de Guv-ah-mint, so what is dey in dat to boast bout?

What ah will like to know is if de new Constitution is advocating dat every constituency representative (Guv-ah-mint and Awe-position) should be given ah budget, controlled by de public servants of course, to spend in his/her constituency. Personally ah believe de present Constitution is wuking, it is not perfect but it will work providing it is not Raped! And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.