Bassy - Love Vine
September 12, 2008

Fool ah talk nah fool ah listen

Ole people say “who got good foot must go-on in front” and is not ah ting more dan Prime Minister Skerritt of Dominica and his ministers got ah clean slate, dey foot good, de got nothing to hide, not yet; no overnight acquisition ah lands, no big bank account from cut-backs foh fear-fahs done, so de Dominican Guv-ah-mint decide to pass de Integrity Legislation Bill in Par-liar-mint now, before de men dem get greedy and corrupt.{{more}} Congrats to Skerritt though! Long before Skerritt did ever dream to run foh polly-ticks, de ULP in Ah-pose-he-shun was harassing de NDP Guv-ah-mint to pass Integrity Bill. Somehow ah believe dat if Sir James did only introduce Integrity Law back den, ah lot ah people would ah get in trouble, who didn’t have to say how dey come-buy so much money in bank, would ah got to say how dey come-buy house and land wid de salary de getting. Sir Vin-sin was very emotional bout Integrity Legislation foh public officers and par-liar-mint-to-run, so much so dat during de Calm-Pain in 2001, he made ah Solemn Oath, dat drink down faster dan Quaker Oats, dat when ULP form Guv-ah-mint, if dey don’t pass Integrity laws within 100 days after being elected, his exact words were: “Comrads and friends, don’t look foh me”! “Don’t look foh me”? Sir Vin-Sin still dey, after de fifteenth 100 days pass, he up his mini-steer-all and par-liar-men-tarry position foh ah more lucrative deal. No Bill yet!

Even de NDP since dey in Ah-pose-it-shun, ambitiously presented ah Integrity Bill foh debate, needless to say de ULP kick it out. De Prime Minister stated dat de Laws in SVG got enuff teeth to deal wid dat. Was de same Law was in place when he was calling pon de NDP to pass ah Bill. Secondly, he said de OECS was preparing ah Doc-yuh-mint to deal wid de whole aspect ah Integrity Laws foh de region, so he waiting pon de OECS submission. What ever became ah dat OECS study? Did Skerritt alone get ah copy ah de Study and tek de lead? I think not! So when are we getting Integrity Legislation passed in de House here in SVG? Ah boy, Ole People had ah ting dey uses to say: “fool ah talk, but nah fool ah listen”


US prop-ah-gang-dah machine say dat ah joint Naval Maneuver comprising Russian and Venezuelan troops, will take place in de next few days in neutral waters in de Caribbean, dat’s someway near “de Gulf ah Paria”, back to de days ah de Pirates Rodney, Nelson and Morgan. Two Russian bombers have already landed in Venezuela. Lie-Za mad-loco, vex dat our Airport ain’t finish, she say she would ah love to put on she Red ULP T-shirt to go to Argyle again, just to witness dah hysterical event wid dem Russian Bombers doing test landing on our Air strip. But later foh dat, she say! De news also says dat Mr Shove-us has ordered billions ah dollars ah Russian Weapons to beef up his military, if and when de US attack! Lie-Za say we lose out again , if only we did join ALBA, we would ah get some ah dem weapons, just imaging dem War Tanks wid heavy guns, covered in Red cloth driving thru de streets ah SVG, to de song “who E hut E hut”! What de US news also says is dat Oil Rich Venezuela got ah hell of ah high inflation rate and ah higher rate ah violent crimes. And in spite ah Mr. Shove-us fight foh de poor, Poverty is still ah serious problem in Venezuela. De question is, shouldn’t Mr. Shove-us be putting his oil money to more meaningful use, or give some to his poor Caribbean near-bars whose NRG and electricity bill is higher dan dey food bill? Is de same way de US wasting billions on de wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and Americans crying out foh help.

De last time ah write bout Yuh-go Shove-us and said he was El Loco, my Venezuelan friends at de M-Bar-C went mad, dey pull me over de coals. De consensus now is not to pay too much attention to what Mr Shove-us says, but what he does; he does good tings, true! But right now all dis military build up in our doorsteps is madness. Dey argue dat I’m not ah Psychiatrist, so ah don’t have de authority to determine Mr Shove-us as el loco. So ah want to correct dat statement by saying, maybe Mr Shove-us is not el Loco, he just happen to say, hablar el loco tings when his full moon, luna llena comes around! And ah putting it to dem dat dey also, must not pay too much attention to what ah say, but what ah do. Man fool ah talk but nah fool ah listen eh.


De Wellness Rev-all-yuh-shun and dem could ah tek shame out ah dey face and announce dat de PM, de Leader ah de Ah-pose-he-sun, de Churches, de Chamber, de Bar association etc would be dey foh de launch on Sat-day, to mek it look national. But no, listen to de Ad, is only Guv-ah-mint officials will speak. Like dey want de Wellness foh dem alone. Yuh see what ah mean when ah say: Fool ah talk but ………. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.