Bassy - Love Vine
August 22, 2008

Please, not another orphan

Dey say dat Success got many far-dahs and Failure is an Orphan. Look how dem Pull-it-tek-all leaders in de region done declare Carry-Come ah failure and treating it like ah Orphan. Dey saying now dat Carry Gone “ it ain’t wuking is ah Tark-shop, time foh another Yuh-knit”. And when yuh check it out, is dem at fault. Dem controlled every-ting at Carry Come, ah P.M or Minister was head ah every sub-committee: Air transport, Tour-is-him, Banana, Trade, dey boss every-ting, dem did all de talking at meetings, mek all de decisions, lickle or no action followed, and turn round now saying Carry-Come is ah Talk Show!{{more}}

Dey talking new grouping now wid T’n’T, SVG, St. Lucia and Grenada, de only difference is ah few less talkers. But don’t worry dis is all about power ah de mouth, nobody stepping down. Yuh will never hear dem say dat dis time dey agree to have one leader foh de four countries, Manning, Gonsalves, King or Thomas will be President or Prime Minister, and de others will be deputies. And dey’ll be one passport, one currency, one CCJ, free movement ah goods, services and people. Any ting less dan dat is just another “ Tark Shop wid Mo’ Long Tark”! Please, not another Orphan. Stick wid Carry Come.


It seems like de Prime Minister is about to mek de Argyle Airport ah Orphan. He’s appealing to Vincentian Nationals to buy into de project. Dat’s ah challenge foh us all, NDP and ULP supporters, and de 25, 000 who only last month, proudly dressed up in Red shirt and journeyed to de grand opening. De way dey shouted and danced giving 100% lip-service support foh de Airport and de great efforts ah de Prime Minister, yuh would ah think de Airport done. But as Ole George say in de Telephone Ad : “Talk is Cheap” and Colin Graham’s reply was : “ Yes, wid us”!

Now since we want de Airport, since we believe as we saying dat it’s de biggest and greatest ting ever to happen to SVG, den we must ensure de Airport becomes ah reality, buy into de project, put some money towards building de Project. After all, de Cubans, de Venezuelans, de Trinnies, de Taiwanese and de Iranians all putting dey money into it, is only we Vincentians who ain’t put in we few sense bit yet. And de invitation to subscribe goes out to de Die-as-poorer, who every time dey come home, and get stuck in Bo-bathe-us, dey would lament how is time to build an International Airport.

Well folks, we going to offer all ah yuh bonds in de Airport, so dat when yuh come next time, yuh will land on yuh investment, yuh Airport. When de Airport Bonds go up foh sale in SVG, it will be interesting to see de business community’s response. Normally 20 million dollars Bonds does sell in ah few hours. Dis new development got Lie-Za wondering what Dr Matthias meant in his address at de launch when he said “ We have de money to build de Airport”! She begging me to add-vice him to stick to his role as CEO, as de professional, nah mek nobody mek him ah pull-it-tek-all Orphan.


Our leaders may pronounce Carry Come ah Failure, dead, but all of ah sudden Lightening strike Success twice in Beer-Gin and every body want to be Far-dah, dey bigging up Jah-mek-yah because Yuh-Seen, possibly de greatest sprinter of all time, Bolt down two Olympic Gold medals in de 100 and 200 metres, doing it foh de Carry-Come region. Yuh-Seen mek me proud ah me Jah-mek-yarn roots, and none body can’t say me hech-up saying me got roots ah Yard, because me all time does big up Jam-down, say me Grand-mother come from An-ova, dat’s Hanover. But nah ask me way part ah yard An-ova dey, cause ah never bin dey Sar! Ah believe dat Bolt’s Success is no ordinary occurrence, it is divine, and is de light at de tunnel dat was lit to inspire us to save Carry Come from becoming an Orphan.


Lloyd Joe de “lickle black boy” from Stubbs was home on vacation. He gained Academic Success in de US, and no doubt has many Far-dahs now. He passed by wid his family meking noise wid me foh Tri Tri. Ah reminded him dat de official Tri Tri season runs from September to December, and next Chose-dey and When’s-dey is Tri Tri time, by den he will be back in de US. But Lloyd ain’t one ah dose who forget he roots. In true Vincy style, he dig into some big jacks and roast breadfruit and said to me “ no Tri Tri dey, ah will settle foh de adult Tri Tri instead”. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.