Ask the Doctor
October 18, 2011

Can men really get breast cancer?

Dear Doc,

Last week, we were playing dominos and a partner said that his doctor took out a lump from his breast that aroused suspicion of breast cancer. We had a good laugh. Can men really develop breast cancer?{{more}}


Dear Lance,

Yes, Men Can!!!!

Out of every one hundred diagnoses of breast cancer, approximately one is a male person. Males have breasts, even though they are not characterized like the females. We are accustomed to enlarged female breasts with significant fat tissue. Men have the same structure, but the fat content of the breast is very small and concentrated under the nipple area. Breast cancers develop from the same tissues as in the women’s breasts.

Men must examine their breasts regularly and bring any noted changes or suspicious findings to their doctor. Due to poor information on the existence of cancers in general and what signs and symptoms must arouse suspicion, many persons are unaware of the existence of cancer.

A man who has a suspicious mass/lump in his breast is less likely to seek medical attention than a female who has the same. That, we hope, will change and it is the hope of the Cancer Society that both men and women will be properly informed on these issues.


SVG Cancer Society,

P.O. Box 709, Kingstown.


Phone: 526-7036