Vincy Workplace
April 20, 2012

Achieving Personal Excellence

Every employee who strives for professional excellence in their career must stop periodically and conduct a self-assessment. Are you on track to accomplishing your professional goals or have you encountered unexpected delays? Employees who are self-assured can thrive in almost any work environment, sell their skills and obtain promotions faster. Here are a few tips to help get you started in that direction.{{more}}

1. Write down your career goals and the exact time frame in which you want to achieve them. It’s been said that goals are easier to achieve when they are written down and kept as a road map until they are realized.

2. Take action. Once you have identified the heights you want to achieve, devise a sound plan to make those goals come true. Be consistent and methodical.

3. Identify your five best work skills. Confidence is built when you realize the value you bring to the workplace. This information is also critical as you help to position yourself in job interviews and to obtain choice projects.

4. Identify three skills you would like to improve. True professionals know the areas they need to improve and continually pursue ways to reduce the impact of these deficiencies on their careers.

5. Seek out a mentor. Find someone who is able to offer sound professional advice and who can connect you with the right people to help further your career.

A consummate professional knows that obtaining professional excellence is a continual process of reevaluating their approaches and improving their skills in the workplace.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to
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