Our Readers' Opinions
March 16, 2012

Remembering the late Glen Jackson

Fri, Mar 16. 2012

Editor: One week ago was six years since Glen Jackson departed this life. It is so unfortunate that not much is spoken of in remembrance of him. He, however, has left a legacy in journalism and talk show that is hard to fill.{{more}} To this date, no one has come close to the late Glen Jackson in terns of talk show hosts. His death has left a void that will take a long time to fill.

We need talk show hosts of the calibre of Glen Jackson who, when he was on radio, was like a people’s representative. For example, when someone called stating a problem, he would immediately phone the authorities in charge and on air one would hear the response and the answer. No wonder he had such a large following. We need talk show hosts who would be investigative as Glen was and not just asking questions or dealing with rumours, but rather would check the information and present documentation as evidence.

He was always informed and was humble and knew where to gather the information. He could not be sued for he always dealt with the facts and presented both sides. Oh how he brought journalism to a good level! But, sadly, the standard since his death has fallen into biased party politicking. I must admit that there are some talk show hosts that are factual and good, but still lack that investigative and on the spot means of getting answers.

I wish we could have at least a talk show host who could be a people’s people and bring the issues with factual evidence to the public, and also being investigative and business like in their show.

No wonder he was a mastermind behind the road block which brought the former NDP government down. He was able to motivate the public and various unions since he was able to do an on the spot checking of information and also give the factual evidence of issues.

So, as we remember Glen Jackson, let us remember that we need to lift the journalism and talk show host in this country, and let us erase the ignorance, anger and hatred that we are getting from many talk show hosts, and let us lift our standard and further develop the education of this nation and its people. For those good talk show hosts and journalist, keep it up and strive for higher heights. I wish that someone will step up to the plate with the intention to fill some of the void left by the late Glen Jackson.

Kennard King