Kingstown Preparatory School records 100 percent pass rate
The Kingstown Preparatory School (KPS) not only secured five places in the top 10 of this year’s Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) examinations, but the school also has a 100 per cent pass rate.
“We feel great, excited. We were expecting great things because the parents, the teachers and the students worked hard,” principal at the KPS Susan Abraham told SEARCHLIGHT on Monday, a few hours after the results were released by the Ministry of Education.
The principal said 63 boys and 63 girls sat the 2019 CPEA and all 126 students passed, up from 2018 which saw three of the school’s students failing to meet the required standard.
Seventy-nine (79) of the KPS students were in the first 500 while 24 were in the first 100, five of the students were in the top 10. They top five from the school are Seante Marshall, Lazaro Lynch, Taj Cain, Christian Joseph and Adriel Hazell.
“The teachers would come as early as 7:30 and work after school. We were looking forward to having the first 10 students coming from the KPS and we got five, so we thank God,” Abraham commented.
Susan Abraham, principal of the KPS
She said this year’s passes followed a trend similar to 2018 with the boys out performing the girls. Of the five students in the top ten, only one is a female in the form of Marshall, who placed first for the country with an average of 96.80 percent. Another student, Tassia Garraway was seventh for girls and 11th overall.
“They really did well, and we are proud of them and we are proud of the teachers,” Abraham commented while noting that there were four grade six classes.
Grade six Social Studies teacher Chantel Griffith-Primus said she is happy that the top student Seante Marshall scored 100% in Social Studies.
“I was confident and I knew she would have done that because her Social Studies, she was always on top,” said Griffith-Primus who added that this year, some of the results were better than last year while other areas, to her mind, could use a bit more work.
“I think hard work, more focus, they were more focussed this year…my main recipe for success with the students is that they remain focussed and they spend a lot of time working towards their goal, focusing on their goal so they can achieve what they want to achieve,” said Griffith-Primus.
Another teacher, Suzette Hoyte-Holder teaches English language and is responsible for the CPEA projects.
“It’s unbelievable, indescribable, super elated, out of this world, sailing on cloud nine,” Hoyte-Holder said on the success of the KPS.
The teacher said students are taught to put God first and leading up to the exam they prayed a lot.
“We know that all things are possible through him and secondly, we worked hard, extremely hard. There were times when they got tired and they complained and said the teacher is pushing them too much, but we still went on and they were willing to work,” said Hoyte-Holder who added that they had 100 per cent parents’ support along with most of the teachers in the school, not just the grade six tutors.
She noted that support from parents is critical in the success of the student and this must be highlighted.
“Just two weeks ago we had a dark cloud over our school with the fighting. I cried, the parents, students everybody felt down, and we are so thankful to God for this moment to celebrate again,” said Hoyte-Holder.
She said that the 100 per cent pass rate is a great send off for the mathematics teacher Gloria Endeavour who is leaving the KPS soon.