What is your opinion on the sentences given by the Magistrate’s and High Courts  in relation to serious offences?
March 15, 2019

What is your opinion on the sentences given by the Magistrate’s and High Courts in relation to serious offences?

Calvin Llewellyn




Calvin Llewellyn – Engineer

Some of the judgements I don’t totally agree with, but I was not legally trained. I think [Justice Brian] Cottle is lenient but within reason.







Dexter Prescott



Dexter Prescott – Sion Hill Resident

Some the judges that judging locally ain’t supposed to judge nowhere in the Caribbean. Every time they make a judgement, is a problem. The two men who rape the girl the other day, how them get way? When it in the law hand nobody can take it out. In Mitchell time, everybody use to go jail when them trouble little children. Right now is like a norm to trouble little children and get way. The judicial system need review and is like you have to pick judges from out of St Vincent for the judicial system to work.






Michael Jackson




Michael Jackson – Sea Captain

Some of the sentences I actually don’t agree with them but some of the others they deserve it. For rape charges, I do not think they are fair with that, especially with kids. Rape is a funny thing. The men that actually rape little kids I can’t give a man that rape a little kid 10 years, things like that you need to hang them.






Johnny “Mouse” Joseph




Johnny “Mouse” Joseph -Van Driver

The magistrates and the judges, these are people who went way, and study law and they are there. They are seeing it in their way, but the public might not see it their way, but they are qualified, and their decision is final and in these judges’ thing most of the time, don’t you have jurors? Jurors make decision and the judge will make his decision after the jury own, so you have to think about what the jury say.





Omarion Dennie




Omarion Dennie – Student

I believe if you are able to do the crime, every action has a consequence. I think the sentences are compatible with the serious offences. Like rape and those things, if they don’t have consequences we are going to have those problems. Rape of minors should be sentences like 25 years, life sentences. I don’t believe in castration and things like that, so i think jail sentences are good.





Sehon Marshall




Sehon Marshall – Social Commentator and Radio Personality

Generally, I believe sentencing is fair and matches the offence in the majority of circumstances, however in some specific cases lately, I am of the opinion that sentencing in particular instances was inconsistent when compared to similar crimes and while I admit that I’m not familiar with sentencing guidelines as articulated by one high court justice, on the face of it, there seems to be inconsistencies.





Mr Liverpool



Mr Liverpool – Retired Policeman

What I have seen over the years, the sentencing in the court that I have seen, poor people children are being oppressed by the people in authority. If you come from high up society, they are very lenient with you. When you come from poor family, you are in trouble and this is one of the biggest problems I have. Many cases I have issues with.






Duran Williams



Duran Williams – Businessman

I think sentencing in SVG is as fair as humanly possible. Pontius Pilate washed his hands, yet the people shouted “free Barabas”, and not long after, Jesus was crucified. The court of public opinion tends to be unforgiving and one where everyone finds comfort in numbers, agreeing to the same thing. A learned and experienced Judge has guidelines, objectivity and emotional detachment which may allow for better sentencing. We must keep in mind that we only hear about when something seems out of the ordinary, and not the countless sentencing that is righteously correct.