Bassy - Love Vine
May 10, 2019

De Fish-Call Insensitive Dock-Yuh-Mint

Back in de 1960s it was de Mighty Sheller, ah seven-time Calypso Monarch who won de crown wid ah song titled: “Big Jobs!” De punch line was in de chorus: “Ah go sing it once, ah go sing it twice, Sin Vincent is Foreignor’s Paradise!”

Back den all de top positions in Go-venom-mint were held by Far-reign-as: de Administrator, SMO, Chief Secretary, Financial Secretary, Commissioner of Police, A.G. as in both Accountant and Attorneys General; Post Master General; Heads of BGS and GHS, everybody. After dat eye-opener by Sheller, things started to change, and we have come ah long way since den.

Around dat time, Christopher II or his beneficiaries returned foh what was seen while on tour. Dey all came as Far-reign Infestors, Hot-hell Developers. Dey all wanted private islands, from Young Island in de north to PSV in de south. Foh as lickle as ah dollar ah year, dey got shocking 99 years Lease-hold on these tiny islands. So today 2019, Reign For-Rest See Foods’ 15 years Lease-hold wid provisions foh another 15 years on our Fisher-folks is like ah short vay-care-shun!

Looking back, it has always been de Politicians who have been alienating de country and its resources to Far-Rainers. Young Is land went in Joshua’s time, Mustique was always privately owned; but PSV and Palm Island were give-aways. Ah remember Cato making ah stink how Joshua gave away de country, ah stand corrected, but he later became ah share holder in Young Island. Dat’s how it goes.

When Can-One went under Sir James, Gone-soft made ah stink, protested and promised to correct dat as ah Hysterical Wrong. He certainly did, ULP compounded Sir James’ gift by giving away additional Can-One lands to de Infestors! De story goes on and on. Buccama was suppose to prove to us dat Agriculture is dead, and Hot-hell Infestment is de way forward. Mr Aims, de Infestor of dat project, slipped out de country owing NIS, workers salaries, workers PAYE deductions. Lie-Za is telling me his Aim was off target in de UK, he is now barricaded at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Hot-hell foh criminals in de UK.

Not so long ago, ah Canadian Hot-hell-yah had ah Hysterical ground-breaking ceremony at Peter’s Hope, he told Bing Joseph in an interview on Boom Radio, dat he had all de Cash to start right away and complete his Hot-hell project. Dat was in January 2016, two years ago. Ah suppose dis is another ULP project wid ah second Ground Breaking Ceremony.
Even Go-venom-mint has decided dat nobody else coming to SVG and Con we wid Con-session to build Hot-Hell. We billing we own Hot-Hell, not one, but two Hot-hells. Lie-Za say name dem Hot-hell Gone-sift I and II. And why not!.

So ah read thru de Fish-call Insensitive Dock-yuh-mint foh Rain-Foh-Rest See-Food in SVG Ltd. It is ah Win-Win deal foh de company, good foh dem!. Ah humouring, not beating up ah storm over dat project. Because after 17 years in office, I ask de question, what has de ULP Go-venom-mint done foh our Fishers and divers. We have fully equipped Fishing Depots at Owia, Paget Farm, Calliaqua and way ever, but because de Go-venom-mint doh have ah clue as to what is to be done, is why dey got no other choice dan to beg Rain-Foh-Rest to Rest-Q-us! And ley me add, Rain-Foh-Rest couldn’t resist, dey couldn’t tun away from such ah lucrative 30-year Agreement “Breddah! Ah won Sweet-ort Deal dat dey!” .

My only con-cern is foh de Fishers and Divers. Dey too must get Con-sessions. Ah complete Tax Heaven foh dem too. No Tax! No VAT! no Duty on Boats, engines, equipment, few-ill, food supplies etc.

What is good foh de Goose oops, Rain-Foh-Rest is good foh de Gang-dah brave de seas.


Ah wish to convey Comforting Love in sad times to de families of Randy D and Nina Maloney. Randy’s Ole-man left us at 95. He was caught on de boundary trying to hit ah six to go pass 100. And Nina’s sister, Patsy Providence and her cousin John Horne like dey had planned to travel de same time. She passed away in de USA. May dey both rest peacefully. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.