CARITAS Antilles aids vulnerable people from Red Zone
DIONNE ROBINSON (left) & Dr. Orando Brewster
July 9, 2021

CARITAS Antilles aids vulnerable people from Red Zone

CARITAS ANTILLES, the social action arm of the Catholic Church, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Mobilization has come to the aid of vulnerable families from the volcano red and orange zones.

Emergency co-ordinator for CARITAS Antilles Dion Robinson, stated that her organisation is distributing over two hundred (200) visa cards, each valued at five hundred and forty Eastern Caribbean dollars (EC$540). According to a release, the visa cards can be used at banks, Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and supermarkets, among other places.

Robinson stated that a list of registered evacuees from the Ministry of National Mobilization was given to her organization, and those who fit the vulnerable criteria were given the grant. She also said her organisation made other donations to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, post volcanic eruption, through their counter parts in St.Lucia, Dominica and other Caribbean islands.

The CARITAS Co-ordinator also commented on the effort that CARITAS is making among the people and the joy it brings to everyone. She stated that there are plans to go further with their charitable work with other collaborations.

Speaking at the distribution of the funds on Thursday July 1, 2021,Minister of National Mobilization Dr. Orando Brewster said he’s very happy to see the out pouring of support that is coming from religious organizations such as CARITAS. He stated that CARITAS began its distribution in North Central Windward, where ninety (90) families were recipients of the grant.

Dr. Brewster thanked CARITAS for its kind donations and noted that the government would continue to extend the olive branch to these organizations that are willing to come on board to help the country in whatever way they can. He emphasised that even with contributions from organizations such as CARITAS, there are still the recovery and rebuilding phases left to be done.

Along with the monetary donations from CARITAS, hygiene kits were also handed out to the families. The distribution was done at the Victoria Park.